The past week or so has been a period of many changes. Cohost went read-only mode yesterday. I've moved job locations from a library that was a 7 minute walk away back to one that's about a 45 minute commute. Now I've had to deal with alot of shit changing, and while not all of it is exactly bad, I am finding it a bit hard to keep my footing.
I'm hoping to maybe get back in the groove soon. There's alot of things I wanna put my energy into for my mental health. Things like...
I had an interesting idea for a new article. It's about fighting games that can get stale. I don't wanna give too much away before I make a first draft, but I think it'll be a good one. I also wanna stream more for TSS to keep it uhhh... you know, within the cultural consciousness. That sorta thing helps with building a community. Idk just alot to do, and I wanna figure it out through the changes.
That's why I named the article seasons. It's named after a DDR song I really like. It's fitting.